Everything is going well with the restoration

Author: Ákos Balogh ; Photo – Video: Levente Benedek

As we told in the past, members of the MH Pápa Airbase Aviation Company thought big time. Their plan is to restore the 109 tail number Mil-24 attack helicopter, which was in exhibition at the MH 87. Bakony Attack Helicopter Regiment’s command building. When the coprs was disbanded the helicopter came to Pápa for overhaul restoration, only for static presentations, since the helicopter already flew out its overall technical life.

At the start of the project in May, 2012 our team at the lhsn.hu visited and presented the already dismantled helicopter, where the corps members work in their free time on the make up, it is also worth mention that the members can expand their knowledge during their work. Since their work is on a extracted flying machine, there is no need for any legitimacy on any work and thus the members can „look out” from their daily routine which consists operation and maintenance on helicopters, and this time it is almost like they are working on the helicopter’s industrial overhaul (for which they need to unfold the helicopter).

In May the helicopter was in extreme conditions, but in the 9th day of august this year, when we visited the team again, there were some major progress on the „iron”.

In the past 2-3 months many missing parts were resupplied, and also the operator and driver cabin were in the finishing moments. The cabins were repainted and in both all the instruments were replaced.

The helicopter is waiting for its repainting on the frame, the preparations will be held in September if it goes by the plans. The paint scheme will get its original Russian color when it came out from the factory.

We are hoping for productive work and endurance for the team, and we can promise that we will visit them in the future so we can give out the news for everyone.

Légi Huszárok SzolNok

vagy akár:

Az MH Kiss József 86. Helikopterdandár repterének ICAO kódja. Az ICAO az ENSZ repüléssel foglalkozó szerve.


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